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Have your say on air quality protection measures

Residents can have their say on proposals to reduce the impact new housebuilding has on air quality across the district.

Wychavon District Council Logo

The South Worcestershire Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides detailed guidance to developers on how to implement pollution prevention policies in the South Worcestershire Development Plan Review.

Proposals in the SPD include increasing the distance between new developments and sources of air pollution, such as busy roads. Good ventilation should also be built into buildings, the layout of developments should encourage walking and cycling, while the use of trees, open spaces, green roofs and other green infrastructure should be used to block and filter air pollution.

Once adopted, planners will be able to use the Air Quality SPD to decide on planning applications. It will also strengthen their ability to seek air quality assessments and ask for additional measures to be put in place when new developments are proposed in areas where air pollution is already high.

Residents, businesses and others interested in having their say on the Air Quality SPD should visit: www.wychavon.gov.uk/consultations.

The deadline for responses is 27th August 2024

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