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Figures show most people had Voter ID

38,086 people voted at 72 polling stations across the district on 4th July 2024

Wychavon District Council Logo

Data released shows almost all electors brought photo ID with them when voting at a polling station in the recent General Election. Some 38,086 people voted at 72 polling stations across the district on 4th July. Figures show just twenty-five people were turned away from a polling station because they did not have valid photo ID, with fifteen returning to vote later in the day with the required documents.

This means just ten people – or 0.03% - who tried to vote at a polling station were not given a ballot paper and could not vote.

Wychavon also did not experience any problems with postal voting. Of the 13,900 postal votes sent out, fewer than ten people requested a replacement ballot paper because they had been lost or not received.

In total 65% of the registered electorate in the Constituency voted in the General Election, compared to 60% nationally.

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